Saturday, July 12, 2014

Genesis 1: Creation Account

This week my topic is creation account. At school, my classmate had designed different crafts for each creation day. I borrow her ideas, and modify to be age appropriate. This lesson plan works pretty well.

Lesson Plan

Topic: The Beginning
Scripture: Genesis 1:1-31; 2:7-9
Objective: The children will demonstrate their understanding of God’s creation by recalling the order of creation.
Attention Getter: Experience darkness
Day 1:
  1. Explain to them that God creates light at the first day. Hide a chocolate in the bathroom and told them to find chocolate in a “dark” place.
  2. After they gather at bathroom. Turn the light down and let them experience darkness.
Content + Interactive activities:
  1. Start to explain the creation on rest of the days. Give each of them a construction paper.
  2. Teacher has a large white paper on the wall. Draw the creation as you teach.
  3. Have six boxes on the table and mark Day1-Day6. Put the props inside the boxes.
Day 2: Sky (Atmosphere)
  1. God creates atmosphere to separate water. Atmosphere is a layer of gases surrounding the planet Earth. It protects life on Earth by absorbing ultraviolet solar radiation
  2. Ask them to come forward to get cotton ball as cloud and put in the sky. Ask them to draw ocean as well.
  3. Control time of each task.
  4. You need: Prop: cotton ball
Day 3: Land, Ocean, plants
  1. On the third day, God gather water under sky together and call it ocean. The dry part is called land. God also creates all kinds of plants and trees on the land.
  2. Ask them to draw land and plants.
  3. After they finish, ask them to come forward and get a cup, soil and a green bean to plan.
  4. You need: green bean, soil, cup. 
Day 4: Stars
  1. On the fourth day, God creates starts to mark the day and night. He made two big lights. The larger to take charge of Day, and the smaller to be in charge of Night.
  2. Ask them to come forward. Get play dough to make sun, moon and star.
  3. You need: play dough
Day 5 Fish and Birds
  1. On the fifth day, God creates animals in sky and in water.
  2. Use origami paper to make bird and whale, and stick on the construction paper.
  3. You need: Origami paper
Day 6: Animals and Man
  1. On the sixth day, God creates land animals and man.
  2. Use pipe cleaner to make a man.
  3. You need: pipe cleaner
Day 7: God rested

Game: print out creation card and ask them to put in order.

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