Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Genesis 2 & 3: Fall and Redemption

Following creation account is the Fall of Adam and Even. My objective for this lesson is that kids can understand what sin means, and how God sets up a redemption plan through Jesus Christ.

To keep them focused, I asked them to make a simple paper book. While I was telling the story, I asked them to draw 6 pictures on the book.

To explain how sin looked like, I borrowed the idea from Adventures in La La Land. I asked them to put their hands in dirt, and make them really dirty. They resisted and felt excited at the same time. After that I explained sin was like the dirt, and we needed Jesus to wash our sins away. So I labeled a hand soap with "Jesus", just like the blog suggests.
Here is the lesson plan:

Lesson Plan

Topic: Adam, Eve, and God’s Love
Objective:The children will demonstrate their understanding of God’s love and forgiveness by retelling the story to their parents.
  • Use play dough to recall what God created in six days.
  • Use dice to review what God created in six days
1st Base: Attention getter
  • Place all the fruit and ask them to rank them from most appealing to least appealing.
  • You need: a variety of fruit
2nd Base: ContentDeliver
  • Make a book
  • As I told the story,draw different pictures
  • Use one of the fruits from 1st base as forbidden fruit (I used cherry).
  • You need: construction paper
3rd Base: Interactive activity
  • Put dirt on the play ground and ask students to put hands in dirt.
  • Sin is like dirt. You need Jesus to wash your sin. Let them wash with “Jesus soap”
  • You need: “X”, tape, dirt, hand soap
  • Share with their parents what they learned today using the story book they made.

  • Let’s enjoy the fruit from 1st base! (They really enjoy eating the fruits, except cherries =p) 

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